Thursday, October 2, 2008


Tami said...

Alex, That was amazing. You are the next America's Got Talent. Especially the part where you can distinguish between your knees and head. That was amazing!!

The Woody's Fam said...

Hello! I just set my blog to private; I am not just trying to keep you from reading! I had a scary thing happen and don't want any weirdos checking out my kids! I am not sure if I have everyones email address so if you did not receive an invite to read our blog please email me at and I will gladly add you!



J.Frey said...

Ha ha ha! I love it! I expecially love the underpants and the crazy hair! What a cutie!

Walnut said...

i have the exact same underwear

Jana said...

That is too funny. Very cute.

mistyp said...

That is great!!!! Good job and cute kid!!!!

Unknown said...

I love the head shoulders knees and toes:) What a crazy kid and the hair! Gotta love it!

Chase Family said...

I can not believe how big he is getting! We need to see you guys!

Karyn said...

OH my goodness! That has to be the cutest thing I've ever seen :)

RR said...

Hey its rach. Alex is such a cutie. I hope you never cut that gorgeous hair of his. So yeah we miss you guys. When will we see you again. Are you still teaching all your classes?? Talk to you soon. Rachel Rosado