Tuesday, October 25, 2011

A Dilly story

Ok, so I know it's been over a year since I posted...being sick with this 3rd boy will do that to you, but we are 3 weeks away from D-Day! Anyway, Dillon is really into telling stories, and here is one I videod today. Oh, and the black eye happened yesterday after jumping off the bunk bed. A little dermabond to hold his brain in and we are good to go. He thinks his eye looks so cool.


The Woody's Fam said...

Wow, I was beginning to think the Texas Spencers were dead. 3 weeks to dday. Our little "pink" bundle of joy is due in 3 weeks too. Maybe we will deliever the same day.

You had better post pictures of the new little guy and not get behind on blogging again! J/K.

If you forgot what our blog is it is woodysfam.blogspot.com - my email is woody96@earthlink.com if you need another invite!

Congrats and I hope all is well with you guys.

Our Family said...

Yay! Congratulations on number 3!!!